Student transfer from other higher education institutions to WSZiP in Poznań


Student transfer from other higher education institutions to WSZiP in Poznań. We provide all students who want to transfer to the School of Management and Psychology in Poznań with a friendly and simple transfer process.


You can transfer to us from other universities to:

  • Psychology, 5-year graduate studies, full-time and part-time mode, starting for the 2nd and 3rd semester

  • Management, undergraduate and graduate studies, part-time mode
  • Administration, undergraduate and graduate studies, part-time mode


Transfer conditions:


All people wishing to transfer to our University are welcome to contact the Admissions Office:

  • Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Psychologii w Poznaniu
  • ul. Robocza 4, pokój 3 (parter)
  • 61-538 Poznań


Opening hours:

  • The University is closed on Mondays
  • Tuesday-Saturday 8.00-16.00
  • Sunday 8.00-13.00

